Georgian Vice-Premier, Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani made a comment on the European Court of Human Rights Judgement on the Russia-Georgia war of August.
According to Zalkaliani, the Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights on the Russia-Georgia war of August 2008 is an unprecedented international victory of the State of Georgia. The judgement clearly holds the Russian Federation legally responsible for the violation of international law norms and fundamental human rights during and after the Russia-Georgia war of August 2008
In the word of the Vice-Premier, the Strasbourg Court Judgement is the first international legal assessment of Russia’s aggression against Georgia, which legally declares Russia guilty of committing a series of crimes, in particular:
“The judgement delivered by the Strasbourg Court unequivocally confirms: the occupation of, and exercising effective control over the Georgian territories by the Russian Federation; violations of the ceasefire agreement of 12 August 2008; Russia’s responsibility for the inability of hundreds of thousands of refugees and Internally Displaced Persons to return to their homes; as well as the fact that the conflict of August 2008 was that between Russia and Georgia” – Zalkaliani said.
According to him, this unprecedented decision aimed to achieve the de-occupation of the Georgian territories and to protect the human rights of people affected by the Russia-Georgia conflict will create a solid basis for further reinforcing the success of our country’s legal and diplomatic efforts.
“The judgement delivered today by the Strasbourg Court is the successful outcome of 12-year efforts of our state institutions and civil society and will give us renewed impetus to continue our international efforts towards the further strengthening of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, de-occupation of the Georgian territories, reconciliation of the war-torn communities and reunification of the country” – Georgian Vice-Premier, Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani is quoted as saying.
Start Stellungnahmen David Zalkaliani: “The Strasbourg Court judgement has unequivocally confirmed: the occupation of,...